What Do You Need to Cancel?
Life can quickly turn into a revolving door. We get into a routine, and before we know it, we’re like a zombie walking around. It’s almost like we become unconscious of our day-to-day lives. With a million things on our minds, we easily lose touch with our surroundings. Next things next, and we start taking for granted the beauty and blessings God has already put in our path. I’m saying this because I’m a big offender myself… and this week, I had a realization of it.
As you know, I’m a health coach. The gym plays a significant role in my life, both for my physical and mental health. However, I needed to cancel the gym for a day. As a core component of my daily life, it wasn’t an easy decision to make. But I needed to pause for a moment and take care of my disjointed house that I had neglected after a recent trip. Sometimes, we have to cancel something good for us, to receive something better.
It was during this time that I felt God really working on my heart, asking me to slow down even further. Growing up an Iowa girl, all I ever saw was flat land and cornfields, and I had the dream to move to Arizona. I accomplished that goal, and when I moved here I was in awe of God’s beauty. The mountains here, the sunsets, there is nothing like it. I remember never being able to wrap my head around how this gorgeous landscape was now my backyard. But as we get caught up in the hustle of a job and daily life, we quickly desensitize ourselves to the blessings God has put at our feet.
So that morning when I was set to clean up my home, God told me to wait a second. He asked me to go to my rooftop and watch His sunrise. As I sat there waiting for the sun to creep over the mountain top, my still heart was reminded of why I moved here. It’s like my eyes were seeing the blessings that had God placed in my life for the very first time. I felt so thankful for this moment, and the kind reminder from God that was saying: “hey, no matter what’s going on in your life, there is still so much to appreciate.”
So I’m here to challenge you. What do you need to put on hold in your own life, in order to appreciate the beauties of this world?
We’ve got to give ourselves some grace, and stop living in the fast lane because it is darkening our souls and ignoring the gifts of our Creator. What’s that one thing that you were once so thankful for or loved so much, that now you’re taking advantage of? Because beauty doesn’t diminish, our gratitude does.
Life is too short, and I know that a lot is going on in the world right now, but don’t let these days keep passing you by where you’re just a bystander. It’s time we all take control and take notice of the moment, of our lives, and of our Savior. Next week is Thanksgiving. Don’t wait until next week to count your blessings. Please, count them right now.
Be Unstoppable!
– Tori