How to Elevate Your Frequency with Andre (Dj. Wyzeman) Jones

His name is Andre (DJ Wyzeman) Jones. He is a singer, songwriter, producer, and wedding DJ with over 15 years of experience in the industry.
The goal of his brand is to inspire, empower, and encourage positivity, utilizing the influence of music and fashion.
In this episode Andre brings his energy to this podcast and inspires us all to live at a high frequency, which despite our situation can help us stay positive and spread the high frequency to those around us. After being told he had cancer at the age o 23 Andre was running at his lowest frequency, but something pushed his mindset to turn the frequency up and get through the cancer journey.
When he starts to feel his frequency dropping, he has some tricks and tactics to turn that knob back in the right direction.
In addition to struggle with cancer that originally threw Andrew off his entrepreneurial journey, Andre later struggled to find his professional happiness when he started a family and feared taking risk; yet lived in a state of unhappiness that even his child could see. Listen to see how he overcame yet another struggle and pushed his fear and doubt away to take the leap and go full steam ahead.
Follow Andrew (Dj Wizeman) Jones
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamdjwyzeman/
Website: https://djwyzemanlids.square.site/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1oa7hf7LOTWrHHOHa0omn2?si=gKUX1O_6T3eLEB7XyHj1og
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